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Nunavut General Monitoring Plan Call for Proposal 2024-2027

2024-2027 Call for Proposals – Nunavut General Monitoring Plan (NGMP)

The Nunavut General Monitoring Plan (NGMP) invites proposals for multi-year monitoring projects (2024-2027) in Nunavut. With an annual budget of $700,000, NGMP provides funding in the form of grants and contributions to support initiatives that address critical environmental and socio-economic priorities.

Proposals should align with NGMP’s established monitoring priorities, including:

Fresh Water: Water quantity and quality

People: Food security and sovereignty

Transportation Infrastructure: Marine shipping and noise impacts

Terrestrial Mammals: Habitat monitoring for caribou, muskox, and polar bears

Key Deadline:

Submit your Letter of Intent (LOI) by January 31, 2025 (23:59 PT).

For detailed guidance on priorities and submission requirements, please refer to the provided PDF document.

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Appel de propositions 2024-2027 – Plan général de surveillance du Nunavut (PGSN)

Le Plan général de surveillance du Nunavut (PGSN) invite les propositions de projets de surveillance pluriannuels (2024-2027) au Nunavut. Avec un budget annuel de 700 000 $, le PGSN fournit un financement sous forme de subventions et de contributions pour soutenir les initiatives qui répondent aux priorités environnementales et socio-économiques essentielles.

Les propositions doivent être alignées sur les priorités de surveillance établies par le PGSN, notamment :

Eaux douces : Quantité et qualité de l'eau

Peuples : Sécurité alimentaire et souveraineté

Infrastructures de transport : Transport maritime et impacts du bruit

Mammifères terrestres : Surveillance des habitats du caribou, du bœuf musqué et de l'ours polaire

Date limite clé :
Soumettez votre lettre d'intention (LI) avant le 31 janvier 2025 (23h59, heure du Pacifique).

Pour des informations détaillées sur les priorités et les exigences de soumission, veuillez-vous référer au document PDF fourni.

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Land use Plan blueprint for Nunavut one step close

(June 20, 2023. Iqaluit, Nunavut.) The Nunavut Planning Commission (NPC) has submitted its 2023 Recommended Nunavut Land Use Plan for the territory. It’s an enormous plan that sets out requirements for how 3.3 million square kilometres of Nunavut’s land and marine areas will be used.

The submission letter, along with the 2023 RNLUP and supporting documents, are now available on NPC website at , and on the NPC public registry at

Following the fifth and final comprehensive round of public hearings last fall, the Commissioners and staff carefully considered substantive issues and options to determine balanced and appropriate  revisions to the 2021 Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan. Key issues in the deliberations included the treatment of Inuit Owned Lands, caribou habitat, the balance of land use designations, existing rights, roads, and marine shipping.

Nunavut Planning Commission Chair Andrew Nakashuk says “we are confident the NPC has submitted a balanced, responsible and approvable 2023 Land Use Plan that reflects the vision of Inuit.”

The final plan now goes  before the Federal and Nunavut governments and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc, for approval. (NTI represents Inuit in the territory)

NPC Director of Policy and Planning Jonathan Savoy says the process has been incredibly inclusive. “This plan would not be possible without the active and informed participation of all our planning partners.

The Commission has been the beneficiary of the expertise of Inuit traditional knowledge, of best-available scientific research,  along with views of government, Inuit organizations, transboundary Indigenous peoples, industry, and non-governmental groups.

“Balancing diverse and competing interests has been the overarching challenge “ says NPC  Executive Director Sharon Ehaloak.  She says this marks  the end of one process and, once approved, the beginning of another, namely shared responsibilities for implementation.  Ehaloak stresses “the really hard work lies ahead, and it's crucial everyone understands the Plan is a living document that will be monitored, reviewed and amended  to reflect changing needs, circumstances and opportunities."

An approved Land Use Plan would help further advance Inuit self-determination, provide certainty for all land users, and could significantly contribute to  Canada’s conservation targets.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of Parliament’s passing of the  Nunavut Agreement. The Land Use Plan is a legal requirement under the deal between the Nunavut /Inuit and the Crown.

For contact /interviews:  Sharon Ehaloak, NPC Executive Director:

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The Commission has now completed all five regional public hearings on the 2021 DNLUP on the following dates:

Cambridge Bay, NU: September 12-15, 2022

Rankin Inlet, NU: September 19-23, 2022

Thompson, MB: September 26-27, 2022

Pond Inlet, NU: October 24-27, 2022

Iqaluit, NU: November 14-19, 2022.

The Commission thanks everyone for their active participation in these important hearings. Video recordings of the hearings are available on our webpage at .


The Commission has committed to providing a 2023 Recommended Nunavut Land Use Plan to the Government of Canada, Government of Nunavut, and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. for their consideration. The Commission acknowledges the requests for an extension of time to provide final written comments on the 2021 DNLUP. Recognizing the importance of the issues and knowing that many participants wish to provide additional information, the Commissioners have agreed that an extension is beneficial to the overall process.

As a result,

  1. the Commission has agreed to extend the date for FINAL written comments to February 10th, 2023. This date will not be extended further, and any submissions that are received after that date may not be incorporated into the deliberation by the Commissioners in considering the 2023 Recommended Nunavut Land Use Plan.
  2. Further, the Commissioners have agreed that all participants should have an additional 2-week period following the February 10th date for the SOLE purpose of providing comments on any written submissions received by February 10th. The deadline for these responses/comments is February 24, 2023. Please note that this is not an extension of written submissions - only a period to respond or provide comments to submissions received by February 10th.  Responses/Comments to any written submission must be provided using the attached template (Appendix I).

Written submissions on the 2021 DNLUP must be submitted by email at , by fax at 867-979-3443, or by mail at Box 1797, Iqaluit, Nunavut X0A 0H0. Participants with capacity are encouraged to provide translated copies of their submissions. Click on "Read More" below to download the full notice and Appendix I-Template for responses or comments to written submissions. 

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NPC DNLUP Public Hearings Broadcast Information

The Regional Public Hearings on the 2021 Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan will be available to watch through Uvugut TV on channels 240 or 267 or through the link below. It will also be available on our NPC YouTube channels in both English and Inuktitut in the links below. The previous daily sessions are also saved in the chosen language in the YouTube links below.


Uvagut TV: Click Here


Youtube: Click Here for English.  Click Here for Inuktitut. 



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Regional Public Hearing In Iqaluit

Location: Cadet Hall

Dates: November 14 - 19

Morning Sessions: 9 am to 11:45 am

Afternoon Sessions: 1:15 pm to 4:30 pm

Evening Sessions (if necessary): 6 pm to 9 pm

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