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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

On October 21, 2021, the Nunavut Planning Commission (Commission) postponed Regional Public Hearings in respect of the 2021 Draft Nunavut Land Use Plan (DNLUP) that were originally scheduled for November 2021 to March 2022 to provide all participants additional time to ensure adequate opportunity to review materials in Inuktitut, English or French.

Next steps in the planning process discussed in this notice are summarized in Appendix A of the attached notice.

As previously communicated, the Commission would like to confirm the following revised dates and time for the upcoming public hearings: 

  • Thompson, MB (Royal Canadian Legion) - March 10-11, 2022
  • Rankin Inlet, NU (Singiituq Complex) - March 14-18, 2022
  • Cambridge Bay, NU ( Luke Novoligak Community Hall) -  March 28-31, 2022

Copies of the 2021 DNLUP and Options and Recommendations document and all submissions filed in the NPC’s public record in association with the DNLUP are available online at: . Hardcopies of the DNLUP and supporting material have been mailed to affected communities. 

Participants who have already provided written comments are able to provide additional comments, and other participants are now requested to provide any written submissions by February 18, 2022.

Parties not yet registered as participants are able to do so by completing the registration form in Appendix C.

NPC staff are available to meet with participants to provide an overview of the DNLUP or to respond to any clarifying questions to assist with the preparation of written submissions. Staff will be meeting with community representatives between January 24 and February 4, 2022, and other participants are encouraged to contact NPC staff to schedule a meeting between January 10-21, 2022.

Please click the read more button below to download the full notice for more details.