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Proponent Information

On July 9, 2015 the Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act (NuPPAA) was enacted, making the Nunavut Planning Commission (NPC) the ‘gatekeeper’ of Nunavut’s regulatory system, as per section 76(1). This means, that any proponent looking to conduct a work or activity in the territory must first submit a project proposal to the NPC.

In addition to reviewing project proposals, the NPC makes conformity determinations if a project is located within the North Baffin or Keewatin regional planning areas, where regional land use plans are in place.

To submit a project proposal to the NPC, proponents must create an account on our online portal at .

For more information on how to use the portal, go to ‘Creating/Login to Account’.

The NPC has 45 days to review project proposals and has the ability to pause projects if it requires more information, or if a proponent does not respond to questions. Planners reviewing the projects must determine whether the work or activity conforms to an existing land use planning region, if it requires screening by the Nunavut Impact Review Board, or if it is exempt.

Once a decision is made and reviewed by the planning team, a letter is released to the proponent and agencies involved.